Friday, January 22, 2010

Too busy writing to blog? A great problem to have!

I'm amazed. Today, I put the final "." on [the first draft of] a screenplay that I've been working on for two months. I squealed and laughed and shouted all the way home from Starbucks this morning...and there was still plenty of laundry to do, dishes to wash, and cooking to start when I got home. :)

This is not my first screenplay. It's my third. It is, however, my first feature-length screenplay, so it's the single longest project I've ever completed. Like Stephen Pressfield said in his amazing book, "The War of Art," I feel like I've slain a huge dragon, and watched it breathe its last sulfuric breath. Rest in peace.

It was the emotional equivalent of breaking the four-minute mile. If I can finish THIS project in two months, then a spec TV script is going to be a psychological cinch. A skit for my church is already as natural as breathing. I have defeated the enemy that lived in my head, and banished the devil that whispered in my ear. Despite what the evil little voices said, I CAN do this. So there.

Praise God.

I'm going to cry if I don't sell it, sure. I'm not going to pretend that it isn't a huge emotional investment, and I definitely want to be paid for it. I'm armed with the knowledge that, if it doesn't sell, I can write another one! However, I'm convinced that God gave me a unique angle on this story, one that's salable and beneficial for others. I'm going to be genuinely surprised if it doesn't sell. The doors on constructing the story opened too quickly in my mind for it NOT to have been the work of the Holy Spirit. If the Spirit was just using this to teach me how to write, fine. God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and He will provide for all my needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. I just hope He'll put up with my whining and pouting for a few days afterward. ;-) I'm going to trust Him with this.

In the meantime, I feel like I've been making amazing strides in dealing with my ADHD. I found the book, "ADD-friendly ways to organize your life," and I'm suddenly finding my thresholds are a lot cleaner, so the muse can enter without soiling her gown. I'm even finding time for my kids AND my art at the same time! Cr-aaaa-zy.

Yesterday, I actually tricked my daughter into letting me do some crafts. ;) She was going to a birthday party, so I gave her a blank gift bag to "decorate" for her friend, while I worked on an art-journal/organizer for my papers. She made an adorable bag, and I got my paper clutter under control in a cute way.

Dang, that wasn't a trick, was it? :) It was a creative combining of activities! Hahaha!

So, I've got tons of re-writing to do on my script. I'm itching to get started on it. However, I've always heard that I should step away for six weeks before starting a re-write. I'll try at least one week. ;) I

Lots of Love, Taylor

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